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2014-02-04 02:17:16
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "As Nymphs we are peaceful people and we do not cause harm to others. We will put up a powerful defence barrier around castle, and Te-....I mean Commander Watkins will have use of his armies to keep the Angels at bay. We will spread the word to all Nymphs to go into the war bunkers in every town, village and city. We are Nymphs and we do not start wars but we can finish them." Rosetta said firmly, one green eyebrow slightly raised. Boy she hated being Queen.

"Acheron the river of pain. Let him suffer and feel the pain of everyone he has ever hurt. Its what he fucking deservers." Luciana pretty much snarled. 

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion bowed his head, "We will do our best to keep the Angels at bay without harming them too much. We understand they may be acting without choice My Queen." He gave a stern look to the council.

Thorne nodded, he liked the plan. He reached out under the table and put a hand on her thigh, squeezing gently to reassure her.

Lucifer looked at his daughter and frowned lightly, but pushed it aside that she was still just sour with Antoinette's cousin. "I don't want to complicate the plan by trying to position him just so. He might get suspicious of Antoinette and attack before any of us are ready. But yes, that particular river would do very well."

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked at Thorne, she patted his in thanks as she gave him a small smile then she looked over at Damion and gave him a small smile. She looked over at the council."Now send out the word to every Nymph to go into hiding." She ordered. She made a note to invite her family, Thorne's family and Damion's family to the castle, she would keep them in the underground bunker. "Your all excused. Commander Damion please stay before you speak to your army. I have something to speak to you about."

"Any of the rivers would do nicely." Lilith said softly, she too had concern for Luciana but she would speak to her step daughter later about it.

"Well we have some nice rivers to pick from. We have Styx river of hatred, Acheron river of pain, Lethe river of forgetfulness, Phlegethon river of fire and Cocytus river of wailing. Which river will be the winner?" Roman trying to make light of the serious problem at hand.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion bowed his head again and stood at the back of the room until the council had filed out. He bowed his head and greeted the ones that bothered to look at him. Once the room was empty he moved to the front.

Lucifer looked at Roman, "My favorite would be forgetfulness. If he was ever fished out at least he wouldn't have a fucking clue where he is or what happened."

Jo looked at them all, "Have any of you thought about what would happen if Antoinette somehow gets dragged in with him?" So much for a lighter mood.

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "So.....the council hates me." Rosetta sighed loudly and slouched on her chair."Being Queen sucks so much! Stupid Rose Council for even picking me." She muttered with a frown.

Wrath looked at Jo, she had a good point and he couldn't risk losing her."We hadn't thought of....that."He said softly, he looked at Antoinette.

Luciana looked at Jo."She won't get dragged into the river. We will make sure of that." She snapped.

"Now....calm down. There is a chance that Antoinette could get dragged into either of the rivers just like there is a chance that any of us could fall into the river. However only Lucifer, Luciana, Wrath, Oriana and Lucian would be able to come out of any of the rivers unharmed. Morningstar blood and all." Lilith said softly. She didn't mention if Antoinette was pregnant then she would be able to get out of the river. The family would know if she was pregnant and since she wasn't well....the rivers would be a great risk.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, "They don't hate you. They're scared. Give it time. You're all learning new roles."

Thorne nodded, "I agree, although I'm wondering how you're suddenly so wise."

Antoinette looked at Luciana, her concern coming to her mind again, "She's just worried Luciana, I know you guys wouldn't let anything like that happen." She said, trying to bring peace around again.

Jo raised one brow at Luciana, but kept her mouth shut. "Just, when whoever is pushing him in, does, they should do it from behind, and if it's not Antoinette then she at least needs to be out of arms reach. He wants her dead, and I know when I'm fighting and someone is going to successfully knock me off my feet, I do everything I can to drag them down too."

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta groaned and slide down her chair until she was on the floor."My sister Roslyn would have made a better Queen. She is sooooo much wiser than me. Teddy, remember at my coronation did they mention at all about take backies?"

Luciana glared at Jo."I'll push him and I'll make sure he stays in the fucking river."

"Luci...."Wrath said in a tone that was not to be messed with.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Thorne smiled a little, "You're a fine Queen."

Teddy peered under the table at her, "Roslyn would not make a better Queen. You've got this. You're handling everything very well. Most of the Queens before you didn't have to deal with anything like this."

Jo glared back, but kept her mouth shut. She didn't break eye contact until Lucifer purposefully walked between them, "I'm glad you're both so protective of Antoinette, but bring it down a notch you two."

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked at Damion."Thank you, Teddy." She smiled a little and hugged him."Your the best Commander ever!" While still hugging Damion, she put her hand on Thorne's face."Best King ever!"

Luciana snarled."Fine." She snapped at her father. Now normally Luciana wouldn't snap at Lucifer in such a vile way but unfortunately for her the poison was effecting her in very bad way to the point she was angrier than normal. 

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Thorne just smiled a little and shook his head, kissing her palm before moving away to gather up some papers.

Damion hugged her tightly, "We'll get through this together."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes at her and then shook his head and walked to his wife, "Ok, normally she's not this bitchy even when it's that time of the month." He muttered, needing Lilith to calm him down.

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta held onto Damion tightly, hiding her face against his neck."I know we will."

Lilith leaned up and kissed him softly."Just don't kill her." She whispered.

Luciana's left hand spasmed, she frowned and gripped her hand to try and stop it but it didn't work."Laters." She snarled as she stormed out the room and she went to her bedroom to be alone.

"Damn.....Luciana is on top bitchy form today...well actually since she came back from visiting the Fae Boyfriend." Roman shook his head.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little and pulled back, "Now go back to your husband. You keep hugging me like that and everyone's gonna think we're hiding something." He teased.

Lucifer sighed, kissing her back lightly, "I wont.. Wouldn't do much good she'd just end up back here and probably more pissed off."

Antoinette watched her leave and frowned, "Their fight must have been bad..And whenever I ask, she just gets angrier. I don't know what to do."

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Silly Teddy."Rosetta patted his face."Nothing to hide. Your my person and person trumps everything." She smiled and kissed his forehead."Ha ha ha you have girl cooeds." She chuckled and walked over to Thorne.

"True."Lilith said softly as she cupped his cheek, running her thumb over his jaw."Give her time. She will calm down and she'll make up with Andre. They will be friends again."

"Why don't you just call Andre and find out." Roman said.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion just shook his head a little. He looked at Thorne and just hoped that when he found his mate she was as understanding. Bears were possessive over their mates. "My King, my Queen." He bowed his head and left the room.

Thorne smiled at her and kissed her lightly, "You're getting better at standing up for what you want."

Antoinette sighed, "That's the first thing I did when she told me they had a disagreement." That wasn't exactly true. She called him, but it was to yell at him for being so mean to Luciana and demanding answers as to why her friend was so upset. Now Andre wouldn't answer her calls or texts.

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Don't call us that, Teddy!" Rosetta called to him as he left the room. She looked at Thorne and kissed him back."I hope so. Oh! I know I could cry at the council until I get what I want. Naw that won't work."

"And what did he say?" Roman asked.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Thorne smiled and shook his head, "That wont work. Only with Damion does that work." She never had to ask more than once for him to do something.

Antoinette shook her head, "Just that they'd fought because they didn't agree and she was being rude about it and he snapped, so she left."

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah only work on Damion." Rosetta looked up at Thorne."I want our families to stay here, in the underground bunker. I need to know they are safe. I need to ask Damion to bring his family here too. Michael knows how important the Watkins are too me. I don't want them hurt or worse.....killed." She frowned.

"I need to know what they fought about. It sounds juicy." Roman said. He was such a gossip and loved to nosey into other peoples business.

"Roman....don't go digging into Luciana's private life or she will kill you." Lilith warned.

"I know but.....I gotta know."Roman he grinned a happy grin.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Thorne nodded, "We can send a message to our families' guards. When we send the message to your parents, we'll ask that they bring the Watkins."

Antoinette sighed a little, "Well, you can give it a go, Andre's pretty private about girls he likes. And even if they're just friends he wont turn on her and spill." She scowled.

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Thank you." Rosetta kissed him softly."I'll ask the staff to get the bunker ready. Our families and the Watkins can stay in the Royal bunker." Rosetta smiled.

"Oh honey I have my ways of getting information out of people. In a much nicer way than Uncle Luc. I don't need whips or knives." Roman grinned.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Thorne nodded a little and returned the kiss, "Alright, let's go do that now, then we can go observe and help with the barrier."

Antoinette raised a brow, "Are you talking about trying to seduce Andre?" She asked mildly concerned. Luciana might be mad at Andre, but in a way he was pretty much hers. Even if she didn't love him she was pretty damn possessive.

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded."Okay. Let go." She smiled and walked out of the war room.

"Seduce? No. Be a bro to a bro in need? Then yes." Roman grinned, he stood up and opened a portal to the Fae castle."I shall tell your cousin you say hello once I get my information cause girl, you lied." He grinned."Laters party people!" He jumped into the portal and landed in the court yard of the Fae castle.

"Once Luciana finds out that Roman was snooping around in her business she is going to kill him." Wrath sighed and shook his head.

"RIP Roman."Lilith shook her head slightly.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Thorne walked with her. He still wasn't used to the amount of guards that followed them around, so when he saw them all in the hall it caught him off guard.

Antoinette pouted, "Babe, he called me a liar."

"Well you did give Andre quite the tongue lashing for pissing of Luciana." Jo chimed in as she watched Roman leave and sighed a little. Like Antoinette she was locked up in hell- of course she was locked up there because she was considered a flight risk, she hadn't been secretive about wanting to leave.

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta paused in the hallway."Do not follow us. If we need help then I will shout for Commander Watkins." She said softly then she started walking with Thorne. She could hear the guards following them. She sighed softly and looked at Thorne."Best get use to this, huh?"

"I agree with Jo." Wrath shrugged.

"Yo Andre?" Roman called as he wondered the castle, wondering where the Fae King was.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Thorne took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "Well, technically they are following us under Damion's orders." He smiled.

Antoinette narrowed her eyes, "Rude.." She stood, "Come on Baby." She said to her Hell hound who had been peacefully sleeping on Wrath's feet. She stood and stretched before bounding after Antoinette.

"I still can't believe she named her Baby Doll." Lucifer cringed and then looked at Wrath, "Her moods will even out." He promised, probably for the hundredth time. Antoinette was still a rollercoster ride when it came to how she would react to things

Andre frowned when he heard his name being called, nodding to a guard who went to the hallway, saw it was Roman and waved him over, "A messenger from hell." The guard said. Andre raised an eyebrow, "Probably not a messenger if he's using that tone." He chuckled.

2016-10-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "I know and I will have words with Teddy. I'll just cry and cry and cry until he makes them stop." Rosetta grinned.

Wrath shrugged."I'm use to her moods going up and down. I've learned to ignore them. It helps that I have Luciana as a sister."

Roman walked over to the guard, and into the room."Andre King of the Fae! Whats up man?" He grinned as he sat on the sofa.

2016-10-19 [GlamGamer]: Thorne chuckled softly, "I hope you don't. I like knowing you're safe when I'm not near."

Lucifer nodded a little, "True. And Lilith as a step mother." He smirked a little, knowing he'd probably get a smack for that.

Andre put his laptop down and smiled, "Nothing. Something must be up with you though, you've never come to talk to me for longer than two seconds."

2016-10-20 [Cerulean Sins]: "Thorne, I can keep myself safe." Rosetta said. When she had been crowned, she had been gifted with even more power than she could ever dream of.

Lilith looked up at Lucifer with one eyebrow raised and a look of 'how dare you say that'."Oh really now? I wil have you know I am a fabulous step mother and I do not have a bitchy attitude." She snarled and punched his gut."Do not follow me." She said as she stormed out of the room.

"Dad......" Wrath sighed.

"I am here to talk about a bitchy blonde fiery subject." Roman said as he sat down."Luci has....well lets just say Hell is suffering right now because Luci has been on the war path since her visit here. I want to help her but I can't do that when she throws fire balls at me everytime I ask." Roman sighed."Hell fire is very dangerous to Angels and she knows it too."

2016-10-20 [GlamGamer]: Thorne looked at her and smiled, "You're Queen now. You're stronger, yes, but you're also even more of a target. Not just for people like Michael, but from inside threats too." He kissed her temple.

Lucifer just rolled his eyes a little, "Never create someone when you're angry. They'll have no sense of humor."

Andre just shrugged a little. "I don't know what to tell you Roman. Except maybe get her out of Hell for an extended time. If I go into any further detail than that she'll rip us both apart."

2016-10-20 [Cerulean Sins]: "Inside threats? Like who?" Rosetta frowned.

"Remember her hormones are still balancing out since she had the twins." Wrath shrugged a little."So do you think this plan will work?"

"So what your telling me is you like my cousin when she isn't consumed by Hell even though that's who she really is. I can handle Luciana when she is on the war path. I'll just dust her, which is so fun and I haven't done it in a while." Roman rubbed his chin slightly as he thought about dusting Luciana for fun.

2016-10-20 [GlamGamer]: Thorne frowned, "I haven't figured anyone out yet, but don't forget that our previous Queen was nearly killed by her own cousin."

Lucifer shrugged a little and shoved a hand through his hair. "I think it can, but there are a lot of loose ends, a lot of places it could go wrong."

"Roman, if who she is influenced by Hell was who she truly is I don't think there would be such a big difference." Andre shook his head, "But no, I can't handle that.. The cruelty she shows... She's mad at me because I regret giving permission to torture my brother and sister. As much as they did, I don't know that they deserved that... Everyone thinks I'm a better King than my sister was Queen, but.. In reality I'm no better than her for the choices I made." He frowned, "Luciana sees compassion as a weakness and yet it's what I used to pride myself on.. I can't wait for this all to be over. I'll be stepping down and publicly admitting what I did..And then the people can decide my punishment."

2016-10-20 [Cerulean Sins]: "I doubt my cousins would try to kill me."Rosetta said so sure of herself.

"Yes that is true but this could be our only chance at stopping this war." Wrath said.

"She only tortured them once and if I remember correctly, she only made them experience the pain, the sadness, the fear that your brother and sister had caused in there lives. She never actually physically harmed them. She hurt them emotionally. She told your brother and sister when they truly feel like apologising to Antoinette and you then she would set them free." Roman stood up and walked over to Andre."Luciana is cruel, bitchy, and sometimes heartless but she knew deep down that you care about your brother and sister so she did not physically harm them. I know this because she asked me for the karma dust I create. She used it on your siblings and it will only stop once they repent." he sighed softly."You forget my friend, she is part Human, part Angel and part Demon all sides of her are battling for control. It would make anyone so mean." He shrugged."She's not as gifted as Wrath for hiding who he truly is but hey that's life."

2016-10-20 [GlamGamer]: Thorne smiled, "I doubt it to, but it's better safe than sorry."

Lucifer nodded a little, "I know it is... We better get Antoinette ready.. It's about time to send her back to Earth for the first time, and you can't be anywhere near her because Michael will feel it."

Andre frowned a little, "That's not how she made it sound..." He waved a hand and shook his head, "This fight is between us Roman, but.. No matter what she'll always be my friend." She had also made it clear that spell or not, that's all she wanted to be. He opened his laptop, "I have to finish this.."

2016-10-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded."True and if it makes you and Teddy feel better with me having guards then I will keep them around."

"See this is apart of the plan I don't like....not being with her."Wrath sighed.

"When she gets angry about something she never makes sense."Roman chuckled softly."I will bother you no more, but don't give up hope. To every curse there is a loop hole, the problem is finding it. I will do everything I can to find it." Roman smiled a little then he moon walked into a portal to Hell."See ya later, bruh."

2016-10-20 [GlamGamer]: Thorne smiled, "It does." He took both of her hands once they reached the end of the hall where they would have to split up. He kissed the back of her hands, "I'll see you soon."

Lucifer nodded, "I know. I'm going to have Jo watching though, from a slight distance. He wont know anything about her to even pay attention that she's watching."

Andre watched him, "Just be careful. I like you Roman, I don't want to attend your funereal."

2016-10-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled then she looked at the guards."Look away." She giggled then she leaned up and kissed Thorne."Miss you already."

Wrath looked at Jo."I know you'll keep her safe but.....please keep her safe. I can't lose her."

"Please that girl can't touch this cause she would get dusted. Boom. Mic drop!" Roman chuckled as he completely went into the portal and appeared in Hell. He tracked down Antoinette and found her in her room."Yo yo! Open up! I have all the goss."

2016-10-20 [GlamGamer]: Thorne smiled a little and kissed her deeply. "I'll be no more than ten minutes."

Jo looked at him and nodded after a moment. "I won't let anything happen to her." she just hoped she could keep that promise.

Antoinette stared at her door for a moment before opening it. She just raised one brow at him. "Why do you want to talk to me, I'm a liar, remember?"

2016-10-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled."I'll time ya." She teased.

Wrath nodded."Thank you."

Roman smiled."You still hung up on that?" He walked into her room."So the deal with Andre and Luci is...." he paused."Close the door and sat down cause this is amazing drama goss, honey." He smiled as he sat on her bed, totally making himself at home.

2016-10-20 [GlamGamer]: Thorne chuckled softly. "Do I get a reward?" he teased, winking before turning around and going down the hall to make sure the bunkers were prepared.

Jo nodded a little.

Antoinette stared at him and then rolled her eyes, "You're lucky you're charming." she shut the door and walled over. "Ok, tell me everything."

2016-10-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta laughed softly."Maybe!" She called after him then she looked at the guards. "So shall we go rid the kitchen for food?" She asked them cause she was pretty hungry.

Roman told her everything, word for word then he went into Andre's body language and the tone of his voice. "I told ya I was good." He grinned.

2016-10-21 [GlamGamer]: Her guards all smiled a little before the lead nodded his head, "Of course your highness."

Antoinette listened closely, "Aww, that's so sad and cute. Andre is such a softy though, I'm not surprised he regrets it. He really does like her.."

2016-10-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Rosetta. Call me Rosetta, please." Rosetta smiled as she walked to the kitchen.

Roman nodded."True but Luciana forgot to tell him she hurt them emotionally. Silly girl. Do you think they are soul mates? It would be heartbreaking if it was true. Ya know the curse and all." 

2016-10-22 [GlamGamer]: "Yes Ma'am.." He grimaced, "Sorry.."

Antoinette smiled and then frowned a bit, "I don't know.. It would be his luck... Either way they would make a good match I think." She smirked a bit, "Plus imagine two of Lucifer's children falling for Prima-Ballerinas." She started laughing at that. After a moment she looked at him, suddenly curious, "So, what's going on between you and Jo.. She seems to dislike you less than when she wad first here."

2016-10-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled as she skipped into the private royal kitchen."Take a seat boys and I'll whip us up something yummy to eat."

"We have an agreement that she doesn't try to beat or kill me and I won't use my dust against her and she has full access to my booze supplies." Roman shrugged.

2016-10-22 [GlamGamer]: The guards looked around awkwardly before the lead guard nodded to them, "You heard her."

Antoinette laughed at that and then smirked, "And yet she's still sneaking off in the middle of the night to sleep in your bed; even though she has her own room now."

2016-10-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "I hope everyone likes veggie wraps." Rosetta smiled as she started getting veggies from the fridge out to chop them.

"I miss my bed. I've been sleeping on the sofa in my room since she started doing that. I don't want to mess up this steady-ish ground we have at the moment." Roman said, shrugging.

2016-10-22 [GlamGamer]: The head guard smiled a little, "We'll have no complaints."

Antoinette rolled her eyes, "Well maybe she wants you to crawl in there with her."

2016-10-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta snapped her fingers."Oh even better idea! Veggie fajitas!" She smiled as she washed the veggies then put them in a clear plastic bowl."So tell me about yourselves. If your going to be protecting me I should know somethings about you all. Oh! Better idea! You each tell me something about you and I'll tell you something about me. Sound fair?"

Roman rolled his eyes."I just got out of a serious relationship with an Elf. So I'm taking a break from dating."

2016-10-24 [GlamGamer]: The main guard smiled, "Well I'm Beorn, one of Damion's friends from school before shit hit the fan again."

Antoinette smirked a bit, "I didn't say anything about dating.. Or even having sex with her." she wiggled her brows, "Your mind was the one that went there. I just meant you need to claim your bed again. She'll either stop stealing it or you'll have a cuddle buddy." she chuckled.

2016-10-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled at Beorn."Teddy told me about you! I really didn't like that school you both where in. Nasty school making you earn your food. Ugh just awful. Well now that your free of that place I will make sure you all are well fed."

"You said 'Well maybe she wants you to crawl in there with her' which in my head sounded like you wanted me to fuck your cousin." Roman chuckled."I like my sofa, it's comfy."

2016-10-24 [GlamGamer]: Beorn chuckled softly, "It really wasn't that bad. We're stronger now because of it."

Antoinette thought about that and chuckled softly, nodded, "Yeah, ok, I can see that." She laughed, "But.. I don't know.. Jo's in a new place, somewhere she doesn't really want to be, but since she was just a kid it's probably the only place she's been able to sleep in a bed and actually be safe.. That doesn't mean she actually feels safe though. You're probably the first guy to stand up to her, maybe you make her feel safe?"

2016-10-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Stronger yes but that school is awful. So bad and sad." Rosetta shook her head as she cut all the veggies like a pro.

Roman shrugged."Oh I don't know but as long as she sleeps and doesn't try to kill me she can keep my bed." He chuckled.

2016-10-24 [GlamGamer]: Beorn laughed, "I know it sounds awful, but the friendships built are true. And I could call on any one of my classmates- even if we weren't friends, even if we were enemies- I could call on them and count on them to have my back."

Antoinette smiled, "You could test it out tonight? Instead of getting out of bed you can stay in it."

2016-10-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Still not a nice school. Everyone should have kindness in there lives."Rosetta said softly.

Roman raised an eyebrow at her."Think about what you just said, Queenie."

2016-10-27 [GlamGamer]: The man smiled a little. "Yes Ma'am."

Antoinette frowned at him, "What? I'm just saying that if she sneaks into your bed in the middle of the night you could stay there instead of getting out."

2016-10-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled."So whos next to tell me about themselves?"

"I shall be a gentleman and let her have the bed. If I did stay in the bed, I swear down, if my mother was still alive she would knock me into next week." Roman was over hundred years old and watched his human mother died. He still keeps an eye on his human family as they all know he is half Angel.

2016-10-27 [GlamGamer]: "They're all scared senseless of Damion. So I'll introduce them. This is Teigs, wolf pup-he's only fifteen- great at archery and poetry. Probably won't eat any fajitas.. That's Rosalind, cheeta shifter. Her job is to grab you and run if too many of us fall. Amazing dancer. And standing over there is Kova, rhino shifter. You won't see him sit on anything. He breaks a lot og furniture. But he's a a good man, dedicated. He will eat all of the fajitas you cook him."

2016-10-27 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette rolled her eyes, "I doubt it will hurt her for you to stand your ground with Jo. Someone has to."

2016-11-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta burst out laughing when Beorn said they where all scared of Damion. She put the chopping knife down as she leaned against the counter, still laughing."Oh my goddess!" She laughed out as she slide down to the floor, crying with laughter."Scared....of Teddy.....hahahaha." Fits of giggles consumed her.

"And why don't you? " Roman asked with one eyebrow raised with a slight smirk on his face.

2016-11-12 [GlamGamer]: They all exchanged looks and Beorn just smiled, letting her stop laughing before responding. "How Damion is with you is completely different than how he is with the army. You're not just his queen, you're his person."

Teigs nodded, eyes going kind of wide. "He's not mean.. But when he's angry.." his eyes went a bit wide, "It's crazy. Because he doesn't yell.. When he's yelling you know you're doing good.. When he's quiet? You're in trouble.."

"Because my bed isn't the one being taken every night.. But if you want I can ask her to stop." Antoinette playfully pinched his cheek, "Poor little baby."

2016-11-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked up at them from were she lay on the floor."It's crazy that your all scared of Teddy. He's not scary even when he's mad." She chuckled as she stood up."Oh how rude of me. Its lovely to meet all of you and I look forward to getting to know you all better." She smiled as she wiped away her tears of laughter off her face.

Roman battered her hand away from his face."Oh hush you."

2016-11-12 [GlamGamer]: Teigs frowned a little, "Well.. He's never been mad at you...Ma'am." He added quickly.

Antoinette laughed, "Well, I'll still take care of it for you."

2016-11-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Rosetta. Call me Rosetta. He has been mad at me plenty of times."Rosetta chuckled."Oh the stories I could tell you all."

"Don't bother. I'll deal with it."Roman smiled.

2016-11-12 [GlamGamer]: Beorn chuckled softly, "Well, he loves you. He tolerates us."

Antoinette raised a brow, "By sleeping on the couch forever?"

2016-11-13 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm sure he doesn't tolerate you all. I bet he respects and admires you." Rosetta smiled as she went back to cooking."Please sit, Kova, you won't break the stool, trust me."

"Nooooo." Roman chuckled.

2016-11-13 [GlamGamer]: Beorn smiled a bit. "It's still different. How he acts when he's angry with you and when he's angry with us."

Antoinette raised a brow. "Mmhmm." she scooped up her puppy and cuddled her. "She's gonna be too big one day." she sighed heavily. "I don't think Wrath likes the new me... But I don't know how to be sweet and docile anymore.."

2016-11-13 [Cerulean Sins]: "True."Rosetta chuckled a little as she finished chopping veggies.

"And what makes you say that?"Roman asked.

2016-11-13 [GlamGamer]: Kova smiled a little and walked over a little closer. "May I help you Lady Rosetta? I can help assemble and hand them out?"

Antoinette sighed again. "Because now I'm a bitch. I wasn't before."

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled as she looked at Kova."Its alright, Kova but thank you for offering. It was very sweet." She grabbed a bowl and started mixing up the fajita spices and herbs.

"Right....I see. And how was he with you before you changed?" Roman asked.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Kova nodded a little, "I hope you don't think we believe that Captain Damion is unkind.. That's not it at all."

"Mostly he ignored me because he was a teacher and I was a student.." She sighed softly, "But we had moments.."

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta mixed the veggies into the spicy herby mix then heated up a pan."Don't be silly, Kova. I know what Damion is like. I've known him all my life and I've seen him with you all and the army. He is firm but fair and kind."

"And how is he with you now?" Roman asked.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Kova smiled, "He is that."

"And we get regular meals." Rosalind pointed out, "And not just protein shakes." She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Antoinette sighed softly, "I mean.. Obviously better, but I figure that's because of the spell being lifted... Usually I think he's annoyed with me though."

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh trusts me with me around I will make sure every eats as much as they like. Unlike that stupid school Damion went too. Making people fight over food, it's.....bad, wrong, evil and so unfair." Rosetta shook her head little as she put her hand over the hot pan, she nodded then she put the veggies in, frying them off.

"And why would he be annoyed?" Roman asked laying on her bed, just making himself at home as always.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Beorn chuckled softly, "Well, there was competition.. There was still a lot of building friendships, or alliances anyway. Damion was the first student to successfully steal and serve food to everyone on his floor. He was working on getting food to the new kids when he was caught."

"If you haven't noticed I'm kind of a bitch.. I get.. Mad, or frustrated, or whinny all of a sudden and I don't know how to control it."

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Damion got caught? He never really told me much about his school because he knew I would.....overact and be a drama queen as he likes to call me." Rosetta chuckled.

"That, deary, is because no one as showed you how to control the building darkness inside of you. If you don't get taught you'll end up like Luciana or worse." Roman shrugged.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Beorn nodded a little, "I don't know if I should be the one to tell you what happened then. I really don't want him to make me run a hundred laps... Again."

Antoinette pouted, "I don't like going dark.... Mostly.."

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Nope you can't not tell me. Tell me Beorn. Oh please?" Rosetta looked at him with big eyes and pouty lip.

"You do like it but that's okay. Its normal." Roman said softly.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Beorn tried to resist, but honestly he couldn't. Besides, she could just demand he answer as his Queen and then he really couldn't. "He was lashed thirty times- once for each pound of food he stole- and no food for five days." He said quietly.

"But a part of me really doesn't Roman... The other part of me wants to set things on fire, so there's that.." She frowned, "Hey, Jo hasn't really changed, has she?"

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta was very very silent for just a moment before she went into drama queen mode."WHAT?! How could they do that to a student? That is inhuman of them to do that! Ugh rude, so mean. Why do people have to be so mean to each other?!" She ranted to herself as she waved a spatula in the air.

"Nope but give it time." Roman shrugged."Now you understand why demons are moody, why Wrath, Luciana, Lilith and Lucifer are the way they are." Roman said.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Beorn flinched a little, knowing he'd made a mistake. "Well.. I mean.. We all agree to it before going to the school. You have to. You have to sign a contract.."

Antoinette huffed softly and looked at him, "I just want this stupid war to be done.."

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "He agreed this awful form of evilness?" Rosetta huffed and the spatula flew out of her hand and hit Damion's chest just as he appeared at the door."Teddy!" Rosetta cheered and skipped over to him."Hiiiii and sorry for hitting you with the spatula. Can you ever forgive me?" She jumped up, wrapping her legs around his hips, her arms around his shoulder and she gave him her puppy dog look."I'm so sorry. I didn't even know you where there."

"Me too. I miss having my Friday night dinners with my dad." Roman sighed.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Beorn nodded, going quiet when she pointed out that Damion was there. They all stood up, looking a little guilty.

Damion was giving them a stern look when he looked to Rosetta, "I suppose I can." He teased, "Cooking fajita's I see. Have you convinced any of the predators to eat them, or are you hoping Kova's appetite it that large?" He looked to all the veggies she'd prepared.

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yay! I'm forgiven!" Rosetta smiled then she snapped her teeth at him."Rawr!" She giggled softly."Well I know from first hand experience that shifters eat a lot and I have you to thank for that." She poked his nose."I have made my point." She smiled brightly.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "All but one of the people in here would be eating them just to be polite. Just because you can make me eat veggies doesn't mean you should force others down that path of hell."

2016-11-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Your right. That wasn't very nice of me."Rosetta frowned softly then she looked at everyone at the table."I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push the veggie option on you." She felt so bad about it.

2016-11-14 [GlamGamer]: Beorn shook his head, "Boss." He looked at Damion.

Damion just smiled and kissed her cheek, "Eh, make them. They only ever really eat meat all day, every day." He chuckled softly and walked over to the stove to help her finish cooking. "I was just teasing Rose."

2016-11-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked at Damion."Your a meany!" She teased and fake pouted and fake cried as she put her hands on his face, squashing his face gently in her hands.

2016-11-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion just rolled his eyes at her, "Yeah yeah. I know your real cry. Not fooling me."

2016-11-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta stopped her fake crying and smiled at him."I need to get a new fake cry."

2016-11-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "Why? It works perfectly on your husband."

Victoria exited the SUV almost as soon as it pulled up to her home. She hadn't seen Claude in over a week and she didn't want to waste another second before she saw him.

2016-11-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "But I need one that works on you." Rosetta smiled as she cuddled him.

Claude was in the home gym working out as he listened to 90's and early 2000's classic songs. He was singing along to Fast Food Rockers song Fast Food song."A pizza hut a pizza hut kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut. Macdonalds, Macdonald, Kentucky fried chicken a pizza hut!" he sang as he did the dance.

2016-11-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion stirred the veggies. "No way Rose." He smiled.

Victoria got rid of her protective vest and the weapons she had strapped to her. Then she double checked her reflection before jogging downstairs to the gym, since she could hear the music coming from there. When she saw him she burst out laughing.

2016-11-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah way, Teddy." Rosetta teased.

Claude smiled when he saw her but he didn't stop dancing or singing. He danced over to him, winking at her a little.

2016-11-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion shook his head, "Nope." He nudged her a little, "Don't you know I'm the big bad bear now?"

Victoria shook her head as she watched him, "That is the least sexiest thing on earth right now."

Antoinette looked at him and smiled, "Well, when the war is finally over you should have a huge feast with your dad.. Make up for all of the missed days."

2016-11-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta laughed."Your not a big bad bear. Your my sweet lovable teddy bear!" She kissed his cheek.

"Dance with me!" Claude smiled as he grabbed her hand and pulled her over.

"I think I might stay with him for a week or so and catch up with him."Roman said.

2016-11-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion raised a brow at that, "Mmmm... Only for you."

Victoria shook her head, "Oh no.. No way hon. I don't even know this song!"

Antoinette smiled, "I bet he'll love that."

2016-11-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "And your mother, your sisters, my mum, my sisters, your nieces, my nieces, your nephews, my nephews, your grandmother, my get the point." Rosetta teased.

"It's easy, just dance to the beat!" Claude smiled as he showed her the dance moves.

"He would. My dad is the only Archangel that....still believes Lucifer has good in him. Dad was right, I mean sure Lucifer is the king of Hell but he's a good man with a dark soul." Roman said.

2016-11-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion rolled his eyes a little, "Mmm... No, mostly just you these days."

Victoria shook her head, "Fine." She copied the moves, but made sure she looked like she wasn't having fun, just to tease him.

Antoinette smiled and nodded, "I imagine it came with age... Sounds a bit like he was one difficult teenager to deal with."

2016-11-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta gasped loudly."I'm so telling my mum. She will be heartbroken that her little Teddy isn't loveable anymore to her. She will be so upset." She let go of him and made a mad dash to her phone that sat on the counter on the other side of the kitchen. She jumped onto the table, that her guards sat around.

"Smile, V, smile."Claude grinned as he danced with her.

"Dad doesn't really talk about his younger years." Roman said.

2016-11-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked at her, "Don't you dare. I only said that because your mother isn't here very often. I haven't seen her since the wedding."

Teigs snickered a little, "Are you afraid of her mum Boss?"

Victoria instead pouted. "No.."

Antoinette smiled a bit, "Probably because Lucifer was a pain in the ass."

2016-11-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta jumped off the table and landed on the marble floor. She grabbed her phone with a smile, looking at Damion."I will so call me mum." She teased.

Claude picked her up and spun her around and around."Smile!"

Roman chuckled."I can see that."

2016-11-16 [GlamGamer]: "That would be very rude of you to break her heart and then make me mend it. She might even get mad at you." Damion said with a raised brow.

Victoria squeaked and held onto him, laughing, "Fine! Fine! You win!"

Antoinette smiled and then stood, "Well... I'm bored and hungry. Want to join me in the kitchen and I'll cook something?"

2016-11-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Rosetta....what are you doing?" Magnolia asked as she walked into the kitchen."Why aren't you working, huh?" She glared at her baby sister. Magnolia was the eldest of 15 brothers and sisters. Magnolia and Rosetta always clashed and fought.

Rosetta looked at Magnolia."Hey Magnolia. I was just....about to call mum and see how she was doing. I had been working but I took a break."

Magnolia rolled her eyes."Lie to me again sister and see what happens." She glared at Rosetta as she cracked her knucles.

Rosetta glared back cracking her knuckles. She knew she was ended up in a fight with her older sister, it always happens.

Claude smiled as he set her down."Yasss." He kissed her.

"So hungry, thanks." Roman smiles.

2016-11-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion got in between them, giving Magnolia a smile. "Magnolia. You're looking more and more beautiful. It's good to see you." He had always been the one to calm their fights- usually. "I was just proving to the guards that I'm a better cook than Rosetta. You can testify to that right?" He looked at Beorn and made a small gesture for him to engage Rosetta.

Beorn looked at Rosetta, "So, the big bad bear is afraid of your mum? Or just of making her cry?" He stood and walked over to her, "Think the veggies are burning."

Victoria just rolled her eyes, returning the kiss. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled. "I missed you." She said before kissing him again.

Antoinette smiled, "Alright, cool. What do you like to eat? I can cook just about anything. Cajun is my specialty though."

2016-11-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Magnolia pushed him out of the way."Not today, Damion." She snapped as she walked right over to Rosetta. "So instead of making your mind up on whether we go to war with the Angels or not is not as important as proving to your guards which one you is the best cook? Are you kidding me?! What kind of Queen are you Rosetta? Your meant to be setting a good example for your people but yet hear I find you making fajitas and mucking about. For fucks sake! Why the council picked you is of all Nymphs I have no clue."

Rosetta took a deep slow breath before looking at her older sister with a deadly serious look."How I run my kingdom is not your concern, Magnolia. I do set a good example because we aren't going to war. Those warriors of Heaven don't want to fight but they have to because of Michael forcing them. So the next time you question me, question my staff and question my choices well we'll be going a few rounds like we did when we where kids. Now speak to me like that again, big sisters and see where it gets you." Rosetta said very very calmly, like she had been speaking about yoga or the weather.

Claude kissed her back, holding her close.

"Cajun sounds nice."Roman smiled.

2016-11-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion sighed softly, letting them hash it out. "Magnolia, we just left from a three hour meeting. Your sister is allowed to eat. Same as you are allowed to sleep in until noon." He knew he shouldn't make the comment, but he was still protective of Rosetta.

Victoria broke the koss after a moment, pulling back to look him over. She did it everytime she had to leave him alone with the rest of the coven. She didn't always trust people to not touch him.

Antoinette smiled a bit and hoped up. "Come on then." she left and walked to the kitchen.

2016-11-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh look who is wearing her big girl pants. Good for you, Rosetta. So we're the race that now will roll over for any other race to kick the shit out of? Lovely. Just good to know that the kingdom doesn't have a backbone like it's queen. jeez. " Magnolia shook her head as she walked to the kitchen door."Useless." She muttered.

Rosetta's eyes went wide as she felt the anger bubble up inside. She leapt across the kitchen table, tackling her big sister in the hallway."Your so mean, Magnolia! I'm telling mum!" She shouted as she punched her right in the face.

"Not a single person touched me." Claude smiled as he cupped her face.

Roman followed her to the kitchen.

2016-11-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion stopped Beorn, "Only intervene if Magnolia strikes back." he said casually and went back to cooking. Once the viggies were stirred he opened the freezer and got an icepack out.

Victoria nodded and looked into his eyes. "Good." she smiled a little.

Antoinette got to the kitchen and looked at everything they had before getting started.

2016-11-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta had Magnolia pinned to the floor."I am Queen of all Nymphs, Magnolia. The council picked me for some strange as hell reason. I don't even know why. I never wanted to be queen. I never wanted any of this but I have it. I'm doing my best, okay? It's not like I've ever hand Queen on my CV before. So get off my case or else, big sister." She got off Magnolia and put her hands on her hips."Now go away."

For once in her life Magnolia walked away from a fight with Rosetta. She walked away and didn't look back, didn't say anything.

Claude smiled hugging her tightly.

Roman sat at the kitchen table, watching her.

2016-11-16 [GlamGamer]: "Kove, take this to Magnolia please. She won't want to see me." Damion handed it off and watched Kova jog after her.

Kova caught up woth her. "Lady Magnolia?"

Victoria hugged him back, nuzzling into him.

Antoinette hummed softly as she cooked. She put rice on in the rice cooker, then started choping onions and green peppers. Then she started getting the spices all together, then the chicken and sausage.

2016-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta walked back into the kitchen."Ouch! That hurt...."She whined as she held her sore hand. She walked over to Damion and held up her hand."I hurt my hand. Don't tell mum I punched Magnolia. I'll never hear the end of it."

Magnolia stopped walking and looked at Kova."Yes?"

"How was your trip?" Claude asked.

2016-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Damion just shook his head a little, pulling out another icepack. "I won't have to tell her. Either Magnolia will tell your mother, or she'll hear it from the gossips." he gave her the icepack. "Go sit. I'll finish cooking."

Kova bowed his head to her before holding out the ice pack. "If you would like it.. If not I'm sorry for disturbing you."

Victoria looked down. "Difficult. But it had to be done." she say, then shook her head. "I did find more vampires in hiding willing to join us."

2016-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta took the icepack."Thank you Teddy. Your far too good to me. What would I ever do without you?" She smiled a little then she whined when she put the icepack on."Ow ow ow ow ow ow!" Rosetta pouted as she whimpered as she sat at the table.

Magnolia's face softened."Thank you." She said softly as she took the icepack and put it on her right eye."Fighting is what we do best." She sighed.

"That's good you found more." Claude smiled a little.

2016-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Beorn looked at her. "Are you alright?"

Kova smiled a little, "I understand. I'm the same way with my own brother."

Victoria nodded and smiled. "How were you while I was away? Anything dramatic happen?"

2016-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah, the ice is sting my hand." Rosetta frowned.

"She needs to understand that she can't be a child anymore. She needs to grow up." Magnolia sighed.

"Naw it's been pretty tame." Claude shrugged.

2016-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Beorn lifted the ice pack and put a cloth over her hand before placing the ice pack over it. "There, that will help keep some of the cold at bay."

Kova nodded, "I watched her this morning in the meeting my lady, and I can safely say that she knows that.. Refusing to kill people who don't want to even be fighting you isn't a sign of weakness. It shows strength. She also isn't just letting your people be harmed, she's bringing as many as she can here, and because of her friendship with the Vampire Queen the people who cannot make it here are also under her protection."

Victoria smiled a little, "Good, I'm glad.. It seems the angels don't like attacking us.. We bite." She smiled. Though like Rosetta, the angels she could avoid killing were simply knocked out and sent back to Heaven. She felt bad for those angels. None of them wanted to be there.

2016-11-17 [Cerulean Sins]: "Thank you, Beorn." Rosetta smiled.

"Maybe she has changed.....slightly."Magnolia said softly.

Claude chuckled."Oh I know that."

2016-11-17 [GlamGamer]: Beorn nodded and smiled and then stood and helped Damion hand out the food.

Kova smiled a little, "You're worried about her."

Victoria just grinned at him.

2016-11-20 [Cerulean Sins]: "Ooohhh Teddy that smells amazing. Save some for hubby." Rosetta smiled as she swang her legs on her stool.

"I'm her big sister, of course I worry about her. I worry about all my siblings." Magnolia sighed.

Claude put his hand on her hip, and held her hand as he started dancing with her.

2016-11-20 [GlamGamer]: "He should be on his way here now. Sent him a text." Damion set a plate in front of her."

Kova nodded. "You have many I understand?"

Victoria smiled a little and danced with him. She leaned up and kissed him lightly.

2016-11-20 [Cerulean Sins]: "Even better idea I'll text him a photo of my food. It will make him move faster." Rosetta smiled as took a photo of her fajitas and sent it to Thorn with loads of kisses at the end of the text.

"I am the eldest of 15 brothers and sisters." Magnolia sighed.

Claude kissed her back softly as they danced.

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn looked at his phone and chuckled softly, sending her a text back Still talking to your mom. Be there soon.

Kova nodded, "That's amazing." He smiled, "I only have three, all younger than me."

Victoria smiled a little, "I love you." She said softly.

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Oh! Bring mum. She might be hungry :D <3 xxxxxxxxx Rosetta texted back."Thorn might be bring mum. So save a plate just in case, pretty please since you wuv my mum so much."

"Your lucky." Magnolia smiled a little.

"I love you too."Claude kissed her forehead softly.

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn looked and then showed her mum the picture of the food. "Damion's cooking. Would you like to join us?"

Kova smiled a bit, "Sort off.. Except my siblings have horns when they're mad at me.. Punching is very different for us."

Victoria smiled, "Why can't every day be like this?"

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Blossom looked at the photo with a smile."That is very kind. Yes I would love to join you all. I haven't seen my baby girl in a few days."

"My siblings control earth. Its pretty annoying when they try to impale you with large thorns or vines. Not that they have ever done that before." Magnolia chuckled nervously because it has happened mainly with her brothers....a lot.

"Because not every day is a bubble."Claude said softly.

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn nodded, "I'll text so they know to save you food." He texted her quickly and then offered his arm to Blossom.

Kova smiled, "Mine are rhinnos.. I've only been impaled three times, once for each."

Victoria sighed softly, "Only moments in time are bubbles.."

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Mum is coming." Rosetta smiled brightly.

Blossom took his arm and walked to the private kitchen.

"That's not so good."Magnolia said softly with a slight frown.

"Because the fates are bitches and always causing drama."Claude sighed.

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn smiled a little, "How have you been though. I know it's been kind of hectic around here."

Damion nodded, making her a plate. "Twenty bucks Kova is chatting with Magnolia now and developing a crush." He said to Beorn.

Beorn smirked a bit, "Alright, you're on."

Kova smiled a little, "I was in rhinno form so it wasn't as bad as it could have been."

Victoria sighed too and then smiled at him. "So let's enjoy our bubble."

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "I've been well but I haven't seen Ambrose in two weeks because he has been busy with work. I miss him."Blossom said softly.

"You two seriously think Kova is developing a crush on Magnolia?" Rosetta raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, shifters heal faster when in animal form." Magnolia said softly.

Claude smiled."I always enjoy the bubble."

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn put a hand over hers that was on his arm. "I'm sorry. I understand. If I'm not part of the meetings I hardly see Rosetta."

Damion chuckled softly, "Kova has a thing for pretty flowers. But he's too shy."

Kova smiled, "And I'm much bigger in animal form."

Victoria nodded a bit, "I do too."

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "It never use to be a trouble if Ambrose was away working because I had my shop and all my children to keep me busy. Now my shop is destroyed and all my children are grown up." Blossmon sighed softly."You make sure you and Rosetta have a date night once a week, to keep things alive and fresh."

"Pretty flowers?" Rosetta raised eyebrow.

"So is Damion and the rest of his family. I grew up with bear shifters as a second family. I'm use to being around large....animals." Magnolia smiled a little."I'll let you go back to guarding my baby sister, Kova. And tell Damion not to be so scared to give me the ice packet himself." She chuckled softly as she walked away.

Claude danced with her, enjoying the bubble time.

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn nodded, "Once this war is over we'll have a set date night. Right now.. Right now passing little love notes is all we have."

Beorn nodded, "Beautiful women with flower names. It's his thing." He chuckled softly.

Kova bowed, "I will tell him."

Victoria rested her head on his chest.

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "That's cute." Blossom smiled.

"So that's pretty much every Nymph named after a flower which is every Nymph female." Rosetta said softly."That is so cute!" She smiled.

Magnolia walked away to her room.

"So my mum called inviting us to a family BBQ." Claude said softly."She lives in Spain with the family but they are all wanting to meet you."

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn chuckled softly. "I do believe our guards are going to get sick of it though because they're the ones that have to walk around the castle if we don't pass each other."

Beorn laughed, "Kova's practically in Nirvana here."

Kova watched her walk away and then walked back to the kitchen

Victoria smiled, "That would be fun.. When is it?"

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh I'm sure they won't mind for true love." Blossom smiled.

"I'm sure one lucky Nymph might dream of him." Rosetta smiled.

"In a couple of weeks because mum is arranging a feeder for you. She's thoughtful like that. Oh and my little sister is dying to meet you.....come to think of it the whole fam is dying to meet you." Claude smiled.

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn smiled and looked back at his guys, he had a good relationship with them, "Eh... I think it's the true love part that makes them roll their eyes." He joked.

Kova came in just as she said that, "Dream of who.. What?" He frowned a little.

Damion smiled a bit, "Kova, you hungry?"

Victoria blushed, "That's very kind of her.. I'm looking forward to meeting them all as well.. I'm a bit nervous."

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "They won't think that way when they get a soul mate." Blossom smiled.

Rosetta looked like a deer caught in head lights when Kova came in. She ducked her head down and stuffed her face full of fajitas.

"Don't be nervous, they will love you." Claude smiled.

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn smiled, "True.. I certainly wasn't this sappy..."

Kova frowned a little, looking at Beorn and Damion, "You didn't tell her did you?" He took his plate of food, "Please say you didn't."

"Tell her what? Kova, you make it seem like you have a secret from your Queen.."

Victoria smiled, "You only say that because you love me."

2016-11-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "Love changes everything." Blossom said softly.

"They didn't tell me anything. I was telling everyone how Thorn and I met and how Nymphs dream of their soul mate."Rosetta smiled."Its okay that Kova has his personal secrets, we all have them. Now Teddy stop teasing Kova or I'll tell them what happened to you at Daisy's 10 birthday party." She grinned.

"True but its the truth. You have nothing to worry about. My family are air Nymphs. We're so laid back that we're almost laying down." Claude smiled.

2016-11-21 [GlamGamer]: Thorn smiled a little, "It does." He stopped outside of the kitchen and offered for her to go first.

Damion scowled at her, "You promised you wouldn't mention that ever again."

Victoria laughed at that and nodded, "At least for you I know that's true.."

2016-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Blossom walked in."Rosetta stop teasing Damion. Its not nice." She said softly but also in a mothering tone. She walked over to Damion."How is my favourite godson?" She asked with a smile, hugging him tightly.

"Sorry mum. Sorry Teddy." Rosetta pouted a little until she saw Thorn."Hubby!" She cheered and she ran around the table and pretty much tackled him into a hug with a big smile on her face.

Claude kissed her forehead."The only uptight family member is my Auntie Claire. She's a yeah it comes with the job."

2016-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Thorn grunted, catching her and hugging her tightly. "Wifey. How are you?"

Damion smiled and hugged her, "I'm just fine. How are you doing? I know you've been busy lately."

Victoria nodded a little, "Got it, don't mess with Aunt Claire."

2016-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Hungry, my hand is sore, and I missed you. Also I'm thinking I might get a pet. Like a dog....or a cat or a pig. Oh! Can I have one of the cute baby pigs that never get big? And we can call it Petal." Rosetta smiled as she held onto him tightly, not wanting to let him go.

"I have been fine. All my shops have been destroyed thanks to this war. So I am going out tomorrow morning with the insurance man to see what damages I have and roughly how much I can claim to fix everything." Blossom sighed."I could go on but you have much bigger problems than what is going on in my life."Blossom sighed softly.

"Yup pretty much." Claude chuckled.

2016-11-25 [GlamGamer]: Thorn smiled a little, "How about we get two pigs, Flower and Petal." He kissed her cheek and walked back to the table, "Why does your hand hurt?"

Damion frowned, "Mama Blossom.. Do you want me to come with you? You'll be able to open a shop again soon."

Victoria smiled, "I can't wait to meet them.. And then when this war is over we can have them here.."

2016-11-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yay!" Rosetta smiled brightly and kissed him softly for a moment."I may have....kind of...sort of punched Magnolia." She muttered, not making eye contact and she chewed on her bottom lip.

"Oh don't be silly, Damion. You have to protect Rosetta. Your mother is coming with me to make sure the insurance men don't walk over me." Blossom smiled then she glanced over at Rosetta doing her guilt face. She looked up at Damion."What did she do?" She asked firmly.

"I think my little sister would love it here. You have nice tall rooms, perfect for flying in. The girl's feet are hardly ever on the ground." Claude chuckled.

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Thorn shook his head a little and sat down with her in his lap. He took her hand and gave her knuckles a kiss. "Love..."

Damion sighed softly and explained the full situation. "I tried to stop the fight, but this one has been building up between them.."

Victoria smiled, "When she visits I'll have to take her to the ballroom. Right now it's... Well, it's been temporairily turned into two stories, holding all the new soldiers.." she smiled, "But, when it's a ballroom again it's amazing... Two stories tall.. I think the ceilings are like.. twenty four feet."

2016-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "I know it was wrong of me but....she had it coming. She doubt me." Rosetta sighed as she hugged Thorn.

"Those two are always fighting."Blossom sighed softly as she went to make herself a cup of green tea."Would anyone like a cup of tea or coffee?"

"I think she would love that." Claude smiled.

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Thorn smiled and kissed each knuckle, "You're going to be very sore if you keep punching everyone who doubts you."

Damion smiled a little, "Only three takers. The lovebirds and Kove."

Kova frowned, "I don't want to be a ha lssle."

"Good.." Victoria smiled a bit and then frowned. "Three.... Two.... One."

"Lady Victoria, you should come upstairs. There's a problem with the new vamp."

2016-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "She just gets under my skin...."Rosetta sighed as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

Blossom looked over at Kova."Its not a hassle, Kova." She made tea for herself, Thorn, Rosetta and Kova.

Claude sighed softly."And the bubble is popped."

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Thorn chuckled softly, "I know she does love, but you should try to ignore it."

Kova blushed a little and nodded.

Victoria sighed and looked at him, "One more second." She whispered, giving him a kiss. She then pulled away and looked at him. "Alright, take me to him... What's happening?"

"He can smell your mate Sir, and wants to know why he's here. He understands that we're working with his kind, but doesn't understand why only one would be here.."

2016-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: One month had pasted since the attack on the Nymph kingdom due to Michael hearing rumours that Antoinette is still alive. He sent out his best scouts to find her, most came back with photos of her wandering different kingdoms capital cities. Michael had had enough of the cat and mouse game she had been playing on him. So he went to find her for himself and he found himself in Hell.....and so our story continues.

Luciana was in the Source of Hell cave with Wrath, Lucifer, Josephine, Antoinette and Andre. She still felt like crap, her body shook slightly, she was extremely pale and she couldn't stop coughing up blood. She was hiding behind a rock near the River Acheron.

Wrath knew these caves like the back of his hand but he was hiding in plain sight, however he was in a different form. He was in the form of a snake next to the podium that held the brightest flame. The flames had been the flames that had burnt off Lucifer's wings when he had fell. The ash from his wings had sunk into the Earth, which created Hell the home of the MorningStars and the Demons. 

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette took a deep breath, a little nervous with Michael so close to her, "What do you want from me? How can I get you to stop killing my people?" She asked coldly.

Michael glared at her, "Well, for one I want you dead." He practically snarled. "But for now.. A little help in ending Lucifer is enough."

2016-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana balled her hands into fists. She wanted nothing more than to kill Michael, sadly the world would end. So that idea was a bust. All they had to do was get Michael close enough to one of the Rivers Of Hell, so they could push him in. It would be enough to contain him.

Wrath slithered around the podium, watching Michael and Antoinette. He couldn't lose her....not again.

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette stepped away from him, closer to one of the rivers. "How exactly can I do that?"

Michael grabbed her wrist hard, "Careful little one, you wouldn't want to fall into one of those." He looked at the center podium. "You're going to grab a bit of that flame over there for me."

2016-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana knew if Antoinette touched that fire for more than a few seconds it would consume her in its flames, killing her. She knew Michael knew this as well, so it was killing two birds with one stone. She glanced up at the flame, she knew consuming the flame, taking it into yourself would make you the new ruler of Hell. Her father Lucifer has a spark of that flame inside of him, making him the current ruler and once Wrath is old enough he will take a spark of the fire into himself, making him the new ruler. Thankfully that won't happen for a very long time.

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette tried to pull her arm away. "I can't go anywhere if you're going to hold onto me. Unless you'd like to direct my hand into the flame." She hissed.

Michael narrowed his eyes, squeezing harder until she whimpered before he let go. Then he handed her a vial that could handle the flames, raising a brow, "Go ahead."

Antoinette walked over to the flame, knowing nothing good could come of her touching it, so she decided to stall, "When you've killed Lucifer, do you promise not to hurt Wrath and Luciana?"

Michael rolled his eyes, "What will it mater to you, you'll be dead."

"Your father saved me once, what makes you think he wont again?"

2016-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smiled ever so slightly when Antoinette brought up her grandfather. Oh yes it was a very sore subject for an Angel but more so for an Archangel.

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Michael narrowed his eyes at her, "He can't if your soul it trapped." He growled and grabbed her throat, pulling her close to the edge of the rivers. "Do you know what these are?"

"Very beautiful." Antoinette said with a bit of sarcasm. "I take it you'd like to shove me in one.. But you shouldn't before you get that flame, don't you think?"

2016-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana kept very still as she watched because she knew this would be a make or break moment. Either they would all jump into action or stay hidden until the time was right.

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: He released her after a moment and then watched her go to the flames. Now was their chance to attack him, since Antoinette was away from him and he was the closest to the rivers he had been the whole time.

2016-11-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath hissed three times as the signal to pretty much get Michael.

Luciana heard the signal and she stood up, walked out from behind the rock."Boo!" She chuckled as she ran over to Michael with a sword in her hand.

Wrath transformed into his human form."You need to go." He said to Antoinette.

2016-11-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette leaned up, giving him a quick kiss before she left, going to Jo who was waiting just outside to get her out of there.

Michael started laughing, he had thought something like this would be happening.

2016-11-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana was weak due her being poisoned but it wasn't going to stop her from kicking her uncles ass into a river. She stopped by the podium."Hey Uncle. Hows it going? Your looking awfully cray cray theses days." She smirked.

Wrath kissed her back, he watched her go and then he set the trap off to close the main entrance into chamber room. Now he knew she would be safe no matter what.

2016-11-27 [GlamGamer]: Michael looked at her and gave a little smirk, "You're looking ill Luciana.. Shouldn't you be resting?"

Jo dragged Antoinette away, since she was having second thoughts about leaving Wrath. "Come on. I love you cuz, but you're a distraction for him."

2016-11-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "You fucking cunt! You did this to me, didn't you?!" Luciana snarled. Now in the past Luciana's anger normal gets her into stupid things....but now shes ill and angry....well shit is going to hit the fan.

Wrath rolled his shoulders as his body was soon covered in white flames, his brilliant white wings came out in all their glory."Calm down Luciana." He ordered. He would question Luciana about her being ill later once they had dealt with Michael.

"Fuck you, Wrath!" Luciana snarled as she raised her sword at Michael."I might be ill thanks to you but I can still give you one hell of a fight. Twat face bastard." She grinned as she ran at him, sword swinging towards him.

2016-11-27 [GlamGamer]: Michael just laughed, dodging her sword with ease. He looked at Wrath then her, "You really should listen to your brother. Look at where your father ended up by not listening to me."

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "A better kingdom? Better followers?" He watched Luciana carefully though, because in this case Wrath was right.

2016-11-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana chuckled."Haven't you learnt by now, dear Uncle. I listen to fucking no one!" She snapped and punched his gut then smacked her elbow against his chin."What did you do to me?!" She demanded. She's been ill for over a month now and she needed to know what he slipped her, so she could cure herself.

Wrath frowned as he watched his sister with worry."And a kingdom with a lot less rules. You forgot to add that part, dad."

2016-11-27 [GlamGamer]: Michael grunted and grabbed her arm after her elbow made a connection with his chin, using it to keep her near him before kneeing her in the stomach

"I hate rules." Lucifer mumbled softly.

2016-11-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana grunted in pain when he kneed her in the stomach. She grabbed his knee, keeping it to her stomach and she flapped her wings and took flight with Michael. She flew into the wall, ramming his back into the cave wall, she kept flapping trying her best to keep him there."What did you poison me with?" She grunted, struggling to keep him there.

"I know."Wrath said as he watched his baby sister take Michael on by herself.

2016-11-27 [GlamGamer]: Michael used his wings to try and push them away from the wall, "Little brat."

Lucifer friend a little, "Come on, we need to help her."

2016-11-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Comes with the tile of Princess of Hell, twat." Luciana snarled as she flapped her wings harder, pushing him back to the wall.

"Yeah before she gets hurt."Wrath said as she flew into the air.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: [Just a little time skip]

Antoinette lured the Archangel Michael into the Source of Hell, he had gotten ambushed by Lucifer, Wrath, Luciana and Andre. During the fight to get Michael into one of the Rivers of Hell, Michael had disabled Lucifer, Wrath and Andre. Michael thought it would be fun to kill Andre, because Luciana had been getting weaker by the second thanks to the poison that she had been given. Luciana had taken the attack and with her last ounce of energy she blasted Michael into the Acheron the River of Pain. As Luciana laid on the stone floor surrounded by Wrath, Lucifer and Andre. Her life slowly draining away.

Luciana was breathing slowly as she looked at her father."Did I...get the bastard?" She whispered. Even as she was dying she still had a foul mouth. The poison was much noticeable as her veins turned black, her skin began to pale to a chalky white.

The moment Michael had been blasted into the River Acheron, Wrath could move and he roared as loudly as he could because he knew his baby sister was going to die. He had seen her veins turning black which meant only one thing, she had been poison with Angel Dust which was a plant that attacked the Angel DNA, it was a slow killer and that explained why she had been so bitchy and hurtful.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer flung himself up and over to his daughter as soon as he was free. "Lucy." He whispered, scooping her into his arms, "You did baby girl. You did." He brushed her hair back. THe only thing he could do for her now was take away the pain. In the back of his mind he knew she'd be back, but the first time watching his children die. It killed him. With Wrath's first death, Lucifer had destroyed an entire island in his grief and anger. He hoped he would handle this one a little better. He wasn't so sure. His anger was bubbling in his chest. He brushed her hair back. "I should have seen the signs." He whispered, "I don't even know when you were poisoned."

Andre cleaned up his face as best he could. Michael had gotten a few good hits on him, but he didn't want Luciana to see too much blood on him. "Poisoned?" He frowned a little, thinking back to their massive fight. "I um.. I might know when.." He whispered.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm not poisoned. I have the flu, dad." Luciana rolled her eyes....well tried too but she was lying to herself because she didn't want to die. She couldn't die, she was Princess Luciana Morningstar. "I hope Michael is suffering." She whispered.

Wrath went over to the large boulder that covered the entrance and he rolled it out of the way."Antoinette! Come here!" He called."Luciana is dying!" He growled.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer shook his head, "No baby girl, you're dying.." He said softly. He looked at Andre, murder in his eyes. He reached over his daughter and grabbed him by the throat, "Have you been helping Michael? Huh?"

Antoinette ran in, pausing just long enough to look Wrath over before running over to Lucifer and Andre, "Hey!" She pinched Lucifer's ear until he let her cousin go and she could get in close to Luciana.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm not dying and daddy let go of Andre." Luciana wheezed as she put her hand on his face. "We did it Antoinette." She smiled a little but she was struggling to stay awake.

Wrath flew over to the others and landed next to them.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer rubbed his ear, looking at Antoinette with a slight scowl. He looked at Wrath with that same scowl. He honestly didn't know how to react.

Antoinette knelt next to her, "Knew you could." She took her hand, frowning at the dark colored veins. "You need to sleep now. You've earned it." She said softly.

Andre rubbed his throat, "I got a package one day of various drinks.. They all said they were for Luciana only, I figured they were favorites from Hell that she sent up.. So I always gave them to her.."

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath growled."Do you have any of the drinks left?" He was trying so hard to control his anger.

Luciana looked at Antoinette."I...can't. I don't want too."

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Andre nodded, "They're all in my office, since that's where I usually am, that's where we would usually sit and talk.."

Antoinette kissed her hand and smiled a little, "You'll be fine in just a moment after you do Luciana. If you're not I'm finding your grandfather and I'll kick his ass."

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "Go get them now." Wrath waved his hand and opened up a portal to Andre's office.

"Your funny." Luciana muttered as her eyes slowly close, her breathing was slow and the fire in her eyes, the life, started to fade away.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Andre scrambled up and through the portal. He gathered the various drinks and came back through the portal as quickly as he could.

Antoinette's eyes filled with tears, "Race you to the throne room?" She joked.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath closed the portal as soon as Andre came back then he roared in anger, sadness and grief as he watched his sister die.

Luciana soon died when Andre had just came back through the portal, her body burst into a brilliant white flames, just like the flames had consumed Lucifer's wings.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Andre dropped the drinks when she died, it was like he'd been hit by a truck.

Antoinette stood and went to Wrath, putting a hand on his arm.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: All that was left of Luciana was a pile of ashes on Lucifer's lap.

Wrath pulled Antoinette into a hug, he held onto her tightly.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Andre stood in shock for a moment, his hands shaking hard. On wobbly legs he started out of the room.

Antoinette hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.." She whispered.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath let go of Antoinette."Go after your cousin." He whispered then he went over to his father and put his hand on his shoulder.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette leaned up and kissed his cheek before running after Andre. "Andre!" She called, "Where are you going?"

"To find her! She'll be here in Hell, right? She's not actually dead. She can't be."

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "Dad....we should go and tell Lilith what happened." Wrath said softly.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked at him, "I destroyed an entire island after you died the first time." He said softly, "I want to again... If we tell Lilith, she wont let me leave Hell.." He frowned a little.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "I know but Luciana will come back." Wrath said as he picked up one of the cans Andre had dropped. "Poison in her favourite drink. Damn....."

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked over, "I know she will be.. There's always a fear that one time, you wont come back.. That I'll actually lose one of you." He stood and took the can, "Michael knew this is her favorite from before he was such an asshole.. When he was actually a decent uncle to you kids."

Antoinette followed after Andre, gently redirecting him whenever he turned down the wrong hall.

Andre burst through the doors of the throne room, looking around.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "Michael's line won't be happy with what happened here today." Wrath sighed.

"Ummm....don't tell Uncle Lucifer I was sitting in his throne." Roman grinned, the kind of grin you do when you've done something bad but your trying to play innocent. Roman slowly got off Lucifer's throne and walked over to Antoinette and Andre.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed softly, "I know.. But the others will be free to make their own decisions now, hopefully war will end." He didn't want to disappoint or hurt any of his family anymore, but for the sake of ending a war it had to be done/

Andre looked around, "I don't care about the throne, where's Luciana." He demanded.

"Andre.. It might take a little while" Antoinette said softly and then looked at Roman, "Michael poisoned her, I'm not sure what happened in the fighting.." She said softly.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded."It had to be done. Michael ended up being power mad."

Roman frowned then he looked shocked."Damn....Uncle poisoned her? That's cold...." He shook his head."Why do you think she'll be in the throne room?"

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded, "I know.. I know. Hopefully they'll see it."

Andre frowned at him, "Well... Antoinette was.. Where else would she go when she came back?"

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded."Hopefully." He sighed. "Right lets get you back to your wife after we blow up an island." He grinned.

"She'll be reborn in the place she was originally born." Roman said simply like they should know but he knew they didn't know the place.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded, "Good lad." He opened a portal to an island he'd bought a long time ago so people were no longer hurt whenever he needed to destroy a place.

Andre grabbed him by the front of his shirt, "And where exactly is that?" He growled.

"Andre!" Antoinette scolded.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath walked into the portal, it's been a long time since he really let loose of his powers.

"! Damn bruh...She was born in Hell, but I have a feeling you want me to be more exact, so am gonna tell you just so you don't punch me and ruin my pretty face. Luci was exactly born in the Source of Hell. Lucianna's mother thought it would be a good idea to hide from Lucifer in there. She was crazy, Luci's mum was." Roman said.

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer walked through and closed it. "Eden's been here." He shook his head a little.

Andre cursed and let him go, walking quickly.

"Sorry Roman." Antoinette kissed his cheek quickly and then ran after him again, knowing he would get lost if she didn't.

2016-12-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "So....we can't blow up the island?" Wrath sighed."Auntie Eden sucks....."

"Yo! Wait!" Roman shouted as he ran after them." do know that none of you are Morningstars right? Which means none of you can get into the Source of Hell without someone of that bloodline with you. Or if your pregnant with the child of hell cause that's how Luci's mother got in. Maybe Auntie Lilith will let you borrow one of the twins?"

2016-12-11 [GlamGamer]: "No, we can... It'll give her another project." Lucifer chuckled, "Come on, let loose."

Antoinette looked at Roman with a look to shut his mouth, "Andre, come on, slow down."

"Leave me Antoinette." Andre snapped, knowing that his cousin would stop following him if he snapped at her. If he couldn't get in then he'd be waiting outside.

Antoinette pouted, stopping in her tracks, then she gasped and looked at Roman, "He's her mate.." She whispered, eyes wide and she started bouncing with excitement.

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